My soldier boy! ♥

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today I am hating being a military wife. All of the paperwork, and stress of trying to get everything done so me and Noelle can be on that plane with Jason is really wearing me down. I have so many questions and I get so few answers, or I get a million conflicting answers! I called a OCONUS woman to find out where to send our medical paperwork, and she proceeds to tell me that unless Jason re-enlists and extends we cant go with him. WTH! I burst into tears. I feel like I get 2 steps ahead and am making progress and then we get that thrown at us. Basically he has to have 36 months left on his contract in order for us to go with him, and he will only have 34 months. I feel like the Army is forcing us to re-enlist. At this point in time we are just trying to finish our 3 years and move on to a new chapter of our life. At this point in time we dont want to extend the time in the Army. I am so angry and confused, and I just want to talk to Jason and I cant, because he is in the stupid field. Days like this I want my life back. I want my husband home with me at night. I just want to talk to my best friend.
Oh and I had a friend ask me if Jason joined the Army as a cop out...WTH! Are you serious? Even if you were thinking that why would you say it. I dont feel that I should have to explain the decisions we made as a family to everyone all the time. Sometimes its okay to step out of your comfort zone and experience something new and different. Yeah you may not like it after you try it, but at least you have that on your lists of accomplishments. Its just been a rough day and I need to hear "I love you" from a man I cant talk too.


  1. I'm sorry you are having a rough day! I hope you get everything figured out!

  2. Thank you so much. I needed that :)
