My soldier boy! ♥

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To be or not to be preggo

That is the question! If I follow my heart I can honestly say I most definitely want to get preggo. If I follow my head I am so unsure. I wish I could matter of factly say I would be okay pregnant while Jason was gone. I am concerned because of my Lupus. It can drag me down, and drag me down fast and hard. I worry that if pregnancy does not happen now I will be getting to old to add another addition. I also selfishly I guess want to get pregnant to prove that I could do it, and handle it with grace. I guess leaving it in Gods hands is the way to go. I know that if he feels I can handle it then he will allow it to happen. I guess when other people start to doubt me and my decisions, then I start to doubt them as well. I have few people in my life who think this is a wise idea.

1 comment:

  1. I understand your concerns. My advice is to just pray about it, God knows what you are capable of doing and He will take care of you. You are a strong lady. As for people doubting sucks. Only you know your have faith in your decisions..whatever they may be..and know you are not alone. You can do this..<3
