My soldier boy! ♥

Monday, May 31, 2010

Its slow but its happening

We moved to Germany 3 months ago. When we moved here I despised it. I missed home and wanted to go back. I found myself pretty depressed for awhile. 3 months later however, I am feeling alot better. I've gotten into a routine which helps. I have met some amazing women. I know that if I didnt meet CaeDee, Sarah, and Kelly I wouldnt be getting along as well. Its amazing how much having a few friends helps. I still miss home alot, but I have realized that I can live here and be okay. I can maintain all of my roles here. I can be a sister, daughter, aunt, and friend it just takes more work. I will be going home in a month and I honestly now dont know if that will be the best thing for me. Nice to figure that out now huh? I want to see my family, but I wonder if it will be the same stress when I get back to Germany. Will I go though that same grieving preocess? I dont like to be down and depressed. I feel some guilt for leaving all of my new friends when their husbands will be leaving them also. I feel like as a military wife I should be here to help them through their bad days. I'm the type of person who would feel guilty about anything and everything if it showed itself. I just have to make sure when I am in the states I continue to be in these ladies lives as much as possible from far away. The deployment is looming, and everyday it gets one step closer. I know that several wives are going to be losing their husbands VERY soon. I am unsure how prepared I am for this. I feel pretty strong. I dont want him to go but I know that I cant stop it. I am excited with my decision to go back to school! I have a goal and am ready to get it started. I decided I am going to work toward a Bachelors of Science in Human Relations. I think it will open up alot of job opportunities. If I dont get pregnant in the next month then I am going to try and get a part time job on post. I am actually ready for all of the upcoming changes. I am ready to continue to get to know the friends I already have and meet and make many more. I have realized Germany isnt so bad!

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