My soldier boy! ♥

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm freaking the flip out! Calm me down please!

OMG we are supposed to fly out to Germany on the 28th. So far however we are not on the hubbys orders. So we are waiting to hear back from Germany! WTF! Right now we are at a stand still. I cant do anything and its driving me crazy! I want to pull my hair out! Literally! Less than 3 weeks and we have not contacted the company that picks up our household goods...our car needs taken to port..we need our no fee passports done. None of this we can do without these damn orders! My landlord called tonight and she has a new tenant to move in on the 1st because we were supposed to be flying to Germany. Gah! So I am going to have to hurt someone if we dont get these ammended orders. We called the airline today and found out that our flight time is full and we cant fly our pets with us. Grrrrrrr. So we have to have a new plan. Also they are going to cost 400 dollars to fly. I am aggravated, and irritated, that we are at this point! Trying to stay positivr but its hard. Trying to give my worries to God but that to is hard when the hits keep coming. :(

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