My soldier boy! ♥

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Traveling to TX and other stuff....

I left yesterday to journey to San Antonio TX to pick up my hubby. It was a 900+ mile trip...GAH! Me and Noelle left yesterday at 6 a.m. and stopped in Mt Pleasant, TX for the night after 8 1/2 hours. Yesterday the car ride went really smooth. I didnt have much trouble staying awake. We stayed in a Comfort Inn and the front desk lady was the nicest lady I have ever met. She acted like she really liked her job. You dont run into many poeple who genuinely like their job anymore. She really made us comfortable and Noelle loved her. She gave Noelle free popcorn and cookies, so of course Noelle thought she was nice. We got up and ate breakfast at the hotel. Noelle had a huge waffle, in the shape of TX. We thought that was really neat and took a picture of it. Noelle also got to see her very first palm tree and thought that was awesome. We got up and finished our trip this morning at 8:30 a.m. We arrived at our hotel at 3 p.m. The GPS took me off of the interstate and onto some crazy highways through little podunk towns. Got to San Antonio and it is crazy busy here. Cars flying everywhere! Tomorrow I have my fingers crossed that I will get to see my hubby, but its the Armys ultimate decision. Hoping we get to see him and get our No Fee passport ordered.
We have gotten some stuff done for our upcoming trip to Germany. Jasons orders are in the process of being ammended, so we can fly with him. We have our plane ticket booked! Its all becoming more real. Its scary but exciting!


  1. I'm glad you guys had a safe trip! I want to see a waffle shaped like texas! haha :)

  2. Glad to hear you got to Texas safe. Enjoy your stay in San Antonio. It is a beautiful city. If you get the chance do some site seeing!
