My soldier boy! ♥

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We're going to fight

GAH!!!!! We found out today that Jason may not be able to leave Ft. Sam. Jason graduates tomorrow, and is supposed to leave with us to drive home. However the Army says "NO"! He got his paper orders on Monday and they said "Unaccompanied pending medical screen". So I sent the EFMP papers through fax on Tuesday and they were sent to Germany (i guess). Jason also had to extend his contract for 2 months, so the new prders had to be done due to that also. So we find out today that he will have to stay here until the new orders are cut. That is such an inconvienence!!! We are already so strapped for cash with this trip and the upcoming move. Now I am going to have to figure out how to pay for more hotel rooms, food, and gas. If his orders dont get cut tomorrow we will have to stay through the weekend until Monday. My daughter is already missing 4 days of school this week due to the original dates for this trip. I dont want her to miss much more school. Jason is supposed to report for hometown recruiting on Monday also. I am so frustrated! Also I sat for 3 hours today waiting to see him for "family day". We finally got him and he had to be back in 2 1/2 hours! We hardly got to see eachother at all. I am ready to throw a temper tantrum due to all of this! How long can they keep my husband? Also I would go ahead and leave to drive home tomorrow, but we cant afford to fly Jason home later, and the Army wont pay for his travel home. Pisses me off!

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