My soldier boy! ♥

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A change in me?

I started working out last Monday. I went 5 days last week and feel great. Well physically I feel like crap because I am so out of shape, but internally I feel wonderfully. Amazing how taking an hour out of your day to do something to better yourself makes you feel so great! I hope to see physical results soon, but I am enjoying the self esteem boost this is giving me. I am trying hard not to focus on the numbers shown to me on the scale, but thats hard sometimes. I am trying however to focus on how I feel. How do my clothes feel? That is what I need to pay attention to. I am tryng hard to lose these mounds of excess weight, so I can get healthy enough to try for that little boy we want so badly. I have to be physically healthy for me and him. Not to mention when I get this extra 60 pounds off I will feel pretty again. I feel so disgusted with myself as I am right now. I dont know how my hubby looks at me naked. I dont like to look at myself naked at all. I feel a change within me however, and that excites me. I feel good about the positive changes I am starting. I want to be that sexy blonde girl, Jason met 12 years ago. When he comes back from deployment I want him to never leave again. I will get there, eventually.

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